Pietro and Elisa's session at Gardens By The Bay "Serene Garden" was magically fun and easy-going. Prior to this shoot I had actually never ventured to this specific part of the area (it's away from the Domes and Super Trees) and settled on this location per Elisa's request - she chose the perfect place! The Serene Garden is a Japanese-inspired garden with bonsai trees, little streams running through here and there and strategically placed rocks - perfect for little toddlers to run around and jump up and down from! As you'll see below, Pietro seemed to have a great time exploring in between quiet moments of nursing with mama.

Similar to family shoots with younger children, a breastfeeding photo shoot with a toddler is an occasion to let the little ones lead and do their own thing. Asking them to pose a certain way or look into the camera when you want them to isn't always going to work, so it's my job to stay flexible, alert and ever ready with the camera to snap those nanosecond moments! This might seem a bit stressful for more methodical photographers (and sometimes even for parents!) but I quite enjoy this unpredictability and my best work is when these little guys show me the way ☺️Pietro and Elisa's shoot was no different in my approach; I encouraged them to just be themselves and do whatever struck their fancy. The result is natural, candid moments showing the bond between mama and child ♥️
Thank you Pietro and Elisa for allowing me into your world of playful magic and soft tenderness. Every time I have a shoot, I think *this* is my favourite kind of shoot (insert couples, maternity, family, breastfeeding mamas) and really it actually comes down to one thing - getting to capture love in motion and eternalising it for you to see and cherish. THAT is my favourite kind of shoot...and it's something I get to experience every single time.